Color Photographs From Miriam's World—and Mine
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Miriam Luby Wolfe,
09/26/68-12/21/88. Page xiv.

Miriam at ten Months. Page 127.

And at Three Years. Page 127.

At age four, the two of us at Hershey
Park Zoo—Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Page 127.

Kindergarten: wearing Greek jumper
that Grandpa Saul Pollack brought
back from an international
Psychoanalytic convention. Page 128.

At age eight hamming it up with her cousin
Marlene Pollack (right), Grandpa Saul and
his golden retriever, Jerome. The girls are
wearing tams that Grandpa brought back
from Scotland. Page 128.

Her first puppy. She named him Shane
Henry. Page 129.

Miriam with Cuddles. Page 129.

Miriam with Hoppy. Page 130.

Miriam with Midnight who was so pitch
black, we constantly stumbled over her.
Page 130.

At thirteen she played basketball and
clarinet and ran the mile. Page 131.

Standing by her ceramic mask in
comunity art show. Page 131

Visiting MGM in Los Angeles—on the
set of "CHiPS" with actor Robert Pine
and Miriam's friend Wendy Moser.
Page 131.

The Delicious apple tree she planted
at age five. Page 132.

At thirteen she stuck this board in our
maple tree and called it the office. "I'm
going to the office, Mom." Page 132.

On vacation with stepbrother Chris
Spencer. Page 133.

Severna Park High School Senior Class
Play, rehearsing with friend Bonnie.
Page 133.

An activist at seventeen—taking a stand against high
school play censorship. Page 134.

A Syracuse friend took this endearing
photo during their sophmore year.
Page 135.

My three girls, May 1987. With me,
from left: Jackie Mild Lau, Myrna
Mild Spurrier (receiving her master's
in art education) and Miriam.
Page 136.

Syracuse University, sophomore year
—the two of us in her dorm room.
Page 136.

Miriam in clown makeup. Page 137.

Performing at Darien Lake, NY.
Page 137.

As the shrill, fluttery Mrs. Spenser in
Anne of Green Gables sophomore year
at Syracuse U. Page 137.

At a London cafe, Miriam with three
friends—(clockwise from lower left)
her flatmate Jessica Frankel and
friends Christine Venier and
Anne Husac. Page 138.

In Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Page 138.
On a three-day trip to Wales. Page 139.

Miriam's grave in Anapolis. Page 139.

The memorial wall at Syracuse University.
Page 140.

The Garden of Rememberance in
Lockerbie,Scotland. Page 140.

Our plaque for Miriam in the Garden
of Rememberance. Page 141.

At Arlington National Cemetary the
memorial is a Scottish cairn—270 stones,
one for each victim, mined from a quarry
near Lockerbie and donated by the
Scottish people. Page 141.

Page 142.

Miriam's block on the Rememberance Quilt.
Page 143.
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