Photographs From Miriam's World—and Mine
Harry and Elizabeth Bragarnick and Family:Mother(5yrs) in foreground with Lucy & parents in Russia (1913)

Father at 14.

Mother at 10.

Newlyweds return from England in 1932. The couple on the right

I was the first Bragarnick grandchild.

My parents vacationing in Cuba in 1952.

Brother and sister, John Roger Pollack and me.

Our house on N. Woodburn St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Pollack family pet sitting Curly, a friend's dog

A family diner at the Bragarnicks.

Mother, John & me with our golden retriever, Blaze.

Grandpa Harry, father's mentor.

Father's parents, Minnie & Henry Pollack.

My Mother's parents, Grandma Elizabeth pins a flower on Grandpa Harry Bragarnick at a testimonial dinner for him.

Luby Bragarnick in 1928.

Lucy Bragarnick in 1928.

My brother, John, in high school.

Debutante me, making mother happy.

Mother in her Paris suit.

1987. Dr. Saul Pollack (father) in his garden with (Oedipus) Rex.

Rosemary and Larry Mild with Ann and John Pollack.